The Monthly DiceBomb™ Subscription Box - a perfect blend for dice collectors and bath enthusiasts. Each month, subscribers receive a unique, handmade dice bath bomb, featuring a new scent, colour, and a set of dice. Crafted with premium ingredients for a luxurious soak, the monthly surprise varies, offering everything from vibrant to calming tones and a range of fragrances from sweet to spicy. The reward? A fresh set of dice in every bath bomb ensures a novel adventure with each bath. All DiceBombs™ are carefully encased in a mystical linen dice bag, reminiscent of a dice pouch, to store your new dice inside. All our products are vegan - they contain no animal products and are not tested on animals.
Current Month:March
Fragrance:Daffodil & Vanilla Fragrance.
Dice Inside: Green and white patterned dice.
New Subscriptions: The Month of the subscription box you sign up for will be the box you receive at the end of that month.
Subscription Renewals: After your first order all future payments will be taken on the 1st of the month.
If your payment is unable to process we will automatically attempt the order again until payment is processed.
Ship Date: Shipping starts from the last week of the month when payment was taken and continues until all boxes have been shipped.
Cancelling: Please use the subscriber portal or if in doubt email us.
By signing up for this box, you're confirming you're happy to receive a curated DiceBomb™ each month. We cannot accept returns due to this being a cosmetic product, you can pause or cancel your subscription at any time on your account page.